A picture of me on a sunny day in nature with some trees on the back.

Hi, I'm Ushi!

pronounces like <you + she>. He / Him.

Software developer & UX designer from Stockholm, Sweden.

I have a big passion for web design, web development, databases, DevOps, game development, security, testing and sound design. I enjoy nature, art and literature. I usally listen to post rock, death metal and classical music.

My hobby is taking long walks or cycling, I also like to play video games and occasionally drink a glass of red wine while watching TV with loved ones.

In 2022 - 2023, I worked at Gaddr AB with IT, academy and studio sectors in the company. In IT, I've worked with fullstack development with technologies such as rust, typescript, react, tailwindcss, postgresql and docker.

In Academy department, I teached at different universities around the sweden both on-site as well as remotely with up to 80 students for some courses. here's a list of some courses that I taught:

  1. Statistical methods & mathematics for data science.
  2. Internet security for administrative personal.
  3. Databases and SQL for data science.
  4. Hybrid development with JavaScript and react native.

In Gaddr Studio I worked with unreal engine and blueprints system. From createing UI, adding http request logic to interactive projects to poting of the projects to windows, linux, android and VR headsets. I also did some sound designe and voice recording sessions for marketing purposes.

I've studied as a frontend web developer for the first half of 2022 at Lexicon AB in Stockholm and got my diploma and JavaScript certification. I've worked with Java, C# and SQL as fullstack developer for Nasdaq in Stockholm for more than two years (2016 - 2018).

I also know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue, React, expressJS, tailwindcss, parcel and a I'm familiar with rust, python, mongoDB and C++. I am independent, responsible, team player, organized and thirsty to learn new thing as fast as possible.

I like emacs, GNU/Linux, rust programming language, video games, music, nature and minimalism.


A shopping list

  • #react
  • #tailwind
  • #parcel

A fullstack project

  • #expressJS
  • #mongodb
  • #parcel